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Replacement for TOSHIBA Satellite 2410-S204 Laptop AC Adapter from Gooshop

TOSHIBA Satellite 2410-S204 Laptop AC Adapter
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Sale price: CHF 25.99

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at order@gooshop.org. We will do our best to help you.
Output Voltage:16VDC
Input Frequency:50 ~ 60Hz
Output Currect:3.75A
Operation Temperature:0°C ~ +40°C
Storage Temperature:-40° C ~ +85° C
Relative Humidity:5% ~ 95%RH (non-condensing)
Safety Approvals:UL, CUL, TUV, CE , CCC
Condition: Brand New, One Year Warranty
Located in: China
Product type: Compatible, replacement
Warranty: 1 Year Warranty, Money-Back Guarantee
Sale Price: CHF 25.99
Product Details
  • Replacement for TOSHIBA Satellite 2410-S204 Laptop AC Adapter
  • Product Type: Replacement Battery (Brand New)
  • Brand New, Full one year warranty
  • The shipping cost for each order is CHF 6.15

This Laptop AC Adapter can replace the following part numbers:
  33G4253,   60G0385,   33G6022,

  PA3241U-1ACA,   PA2484U,   PA3080U-1ACA,
  PA2450U,    PA3049U-1ACA,   PA2440U,

This Laptop AC Adapter is also compatible with the following models:
  Thinkpad 350,   ThinkPad 510,   ThinkPad 500,
  ThinkPad 730,  
  Lavie N LN500/9DW,   Lavie N PC-LN5009DW,   Versa S3000 Series,
  Lavie N LN300/9DB,    Lavie N PC-LN300BDLavie N PC-LN300CD,   Versa S3000-350CMH,
  Versa LXi,    Lavie N PC-LN3009DW,   Lavie N PC-LN500AD2,
  Lavie N LN500/9DB,    Lavie N PC-LN5009DB,   Versa S3000-725DSH,
  Lavie N PC-LN300AD2,    Lavie N Series,   Versa LX,
  Lavie N PC-LN3009DB,    Lavie N PC-LN500AD1,   Lavie N LN300/9DW,
  Lavie N PC-LN390BD,    Versa S3000-725CMH,   Versa SX,
  Lavie N PC-LN300AD1,    Lavie N PC-LN500CD,  
  Satellite 4100XDVD,   Satellite 1555CDS,   Satellite 1800-S204,
  Satellite 2100CDX,    Satellite 2230,   Satellite 2500CDT,
  Satellite 2550,    Satellite 2650,   Satellite 2800-S201,
  Satellite 2805-S402,    Satellite 4015CDT,   Satellite 4320ZDVD,
  Satellite 5105-S607,    Tecra 750CDM,   Tecra 8200,
  Portege 7000CT,    Portege 1410-S173,   Portege 1805,
  Portege 210CDT,    Portege 2410 Series,   Portege 2515CDS/4,
  Portege 2715DVD,    Portege 2805-S302,   Portege 4600 Series,
  Satellite Pro 4000 series,    Satellite Pro 400CS,   Satellite Pro 425CDT,
  Satellite Pro 440CS,    Satellite Pro 470CDT,   Presario 710,
  Satellite 2100,    Tecra 780,   Satellite 310,
  Satellite 1415-S174,    Satellite 1805-S274,   Satellite 2180CDT,
  Satellite 2410-S204,    Satellite 2520CDT,   Satellite 2610,
  Satellite 2740,    Satellite 2805-S301,   Satellite 4010CDS,
  Satellite 4070,    Satellite 5005-S504,   Satellite 4260DVD,
  Tecra 780CDV,    Portege 2010,   Portege 7200CT,
  Portege 1800-S202,    Portege 2100CDT,   Portege 2210XCDS,
  Portege 2500CDT,    Portege 2600 series,   Portege 2805-S201,
  Portege 4320ZDVD,    Portege 5105-S607,   Satellite Pro 4600 Series,
  Satellite Pro 420CDS,    Satellite Pro 435CDT,   Satellite Pro 460CDX,
  Presario 700 Series,    portege 4000,   Satellite T2100CDX,
  Satellite 1410-S173,    Satellite 1805,   Satellite 210CDT,
  Satellite 2250XCDS,    Satellite 2515CDS,   Satellite 2590CDS,
  Satellite 2670,    Satellite 2805,   Satellite 2900 series,
  Satellite 4025CDT,    Satellite 4360ZDVD,   Satellite 5105-S702,
  Tecra 750CDT,    Portege R200,   Portege 7020CT,
  Portege 1415-S173,    Portege 1805-S254,   Portege 2140XCDS,
  Portege 2410-S204,    Portege 2520CDT,   Portege 2800-S201,
  Portege 2805-S402,    Portege 5005-S504,   Satellite Pro 4260DVD,
  Satellite Pro 410CDT,    Satellite Pro 430CDS,   Satellite Pro 445CDT,
  Satellite Pro 490CDT,    Presario 725,   Satellite 300,
  Satellite 330,    Satellite 1800-S202,   Satellite 2100CDT,
  Satellite 2210XCDS,    Satellite 2410-S206,   Satellite 2545CDT,
  Satellite 2615DVD,    Satellite 2770,   Satellite 2805-S401,
  Satellite 4015CDS,    Satellite 4090XDVD,   Satellite 5105-S502,
  Satellite 6000 series,    Tecra 8100,   Portege 3505,
  Portege 7220CTE,    Portege 1800-S254,   Portege 2105CDS,
  Portege 2250XCDS,    Portege 2515CDS,   Portege 2615DVD,
  Portege 2805-S301,    Portege 4360ZDVD,   Portege 5105-S702,
  Satellite Pro 400CDT,    Satellite Pro 425CDS,   Satellite Pro 440CDX,
  Satellite Pro 465CDX,    Presario 705,   portege 4010,
  Tecra 550CDT,    Satellite 220,   Satellite 1415-S173,
  Satellite 1805-S254,    Satellite 2140XCDS,   Satellite 2410-S203,
  Satellite 2515CTS,    Satellite 2600 series,   Satellite 2715DVD,
  Satellite 2805-S202,    Satellite 4000CDT,   Satellite 4060,
  Satellite 5000 series,    Satellite 4200,   Tecra 780CDM,
  Portege 2000,    Portege 7200,   Portege 1800 series,
  Portege 2100CDS,    Portege 2210CDT,   Portege 2410-S206,
  Portege 2545CDT,    Portege 2805,   Portege 2900 series,
  Portege 5105-S502,    Satellite Pro 4280ZDVD,   Satellite Pro 415CS,
  Satellite Pro 435CDS,    Satellite Pro 460CDT,   Libretto U105,
  Evo N115 Series,    Satellite 4280ZDVD,   Satellite 2060,
  Satellite 1800-S254,    Satellite 2105CDS,   Satellite 2250CDT,
  Satellite 2505CDT,    Satellite 2590CDT,   Satellite 2655XDVD,
  Satellite 2800-S202,    Satellite 2805-S503,   Satellite 4020CDT,
  Satellite 4340ZDVD,    Satellite 5105-S608,   Tecra 750CDS,
  Portege R100,    Portege 7010CT,   Portege 1410-S174,
  Portege 1805-S204,    Portege 2115CDS,   Portege 2410-S203,
  Portege 2515CTS,    Portege 2800,   Portege 2805-S401,
  Portege 5000 Series,    Satellite Pro 4200 Series,   Satellite Pro 405CS,
  Satellite Pro 430 Series,    Satellite Pro 440CT,   Satellite Pro 480CDT,
  Presario 715,    Satellite 2800,   Tecra 8000,
  Satellite 320,    Satellite 1800 series,   Satellite 2100CDS,
  Satellite 2210CDT,    Satellite 2410-S205,   Satellite 2540CDT,
  Satellite 2610DVD,    Satellite 2750,   Satellite 2805-S302,
  Satellite 4010CDT,    Satellite 4080CDT,   Satellite 5100 Series,
  Satellite 4280XDVD,    Tecra 780DVD,   Portege 3500,
  Portege 7200CTE,    Portege 1800-S204,   Portege 2100CDX,
  Portege 2250CDT,    Portege 2505CDT,   Portege 2610DVD,
  Portege 2805-S202,    Portege 4340ZDVD,   Portege 5105-S608,
  Satellite Pro 6000 Series,    Satellite Pro 420CDT,   Satellite Pro 440CDT,
  Satellite Pro 465CDT,    Presario 701,   portege 4005,
  Tecra 520CDT,    Satellite 1410-S174,   Satellite 1805-S204,
  Satellite 2115CDS,    Satellite 2410 Series,   Satellite 2515CDS/4,
  Satellite 2590XDVD,    Satellite 2710,   Satellite 2805-S201,
  Satellite 4000CDS,    Satellite 4030CDT,   Satellite 4600,
  Satellite 4000 series,    Tecra 750DVD,   Portege M100,
  Portege 7140CT,    Portege 1415-S174,   Portege 1805-S274,
  Portege 2180CDT,    Portege 2410-S205,   Portege 2540CDT,
  Portege 2800-S202,    Portege 2805-S503,   Portege 5100 Series,
  Satellite Pro 4280XDVD,    Satellite Pro 410CS,   Satellite Pro 430CDT,
  Satellite Pro 445CDX,    Libretto U100,   Evo N105 Series,

The Laptop AC Adapter supplied by our Company are [replacement for] sold for use with certain products of computer manufacturers, and any reference to products or trademarks of such companies is purely for the purpose of identifying the computer manufacturers with which our products [are replacement for] may be used. Our Company and this Website are neither affiliated with, authorized by, licensed by, distributors for, nor related in any way to these computer manufacturers, nor are the products offered for sale through our Website manufactured by or sold with the authorization of the manufacturers of the computers with which our products [are replacement for] may be used.

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