This Laptop Battery can replace the following part numbers: HP JC03, HSTNN-LB7W, HSTNN-DB8E, 919700-850, HSTNN-LB7V, JC04, 919701-850, HSTNN-PB6Y, This Laptop Battery is also compatible with the following models: HP 15-bs077nr, 15-bs065nr, 15-bw070nr, 15-bw017cl, 17-bs039nf, 15-BS Series, 15-bw000 Series, 15-bs033cl, 15-bs038dx, 15-bs023cy, 15-bw032wm, 15-bw035nr, 15-bw072nr, 15-BW Series, 15-bs013dx, 15-bs091ms, 15-bs008cy, 15-bw036nr, 15-bw010ca, 17-ak007na, 15Q-BU Series, Pavilion 17z Series, 15-bs015dx, 15-bs013nr, 15-bs058ca, 15-bw011dx, 15-bw030nr, 15-bw032nr, 15-bs000 Series, 15-bs192od, 15-bs016dx, 15-bs131nr, 15-bw010nr, 15-bw008cl, 15-bw073nr, 17-AK Series, 15-bs010ds, 15-bs053od, 15-bs132nr, 15-bw028ca, 15-bw012nr, 17-ak004ng, 17-BS Series, 17-bs000 Series, 15-bs095ms, 15-bs078cl, 15-bs038cl, 15-bw033wm, 15-bw040nr, 15-bw53od, 15Q-BY Series, 15-bs060wm, 15-bs080wm, 15-bs011cy, 15-bw053od, 15-bw027au, 17-ak015ng, 15G-BR Series, 15-bs168cl, 15-bs020wm,